Sunday 24 February 2013

Busy Week

Hatching Eggs On Their Way!
Cuckoo Pekin Bantams
I  won 6 Mille fleur Pekin Bantam hatching eggs and 6 Cuckoo Pekin Bantam eggs on eBay and can't wait for them to come in the post. I'm hoping to put them in my incubator and hope for about 9 to hatch!

Farrier Visit
The farrier also came to do the horses feet. I helped him by giving him a bucket of cold water  for him to cool the hot shoes in. I also helped him by holding and manoeuvring the horses and in return he let me hold a racing plate, which was really light.

Lambing Preparation By Small Shepherds Club (SSC)
My mum and I also went to a lambing preparation course, where we were kindly taught by an extremely experienced shepherd. We learnt that you should:
  • Use orange netting over any cattle bars to protect the lambs and sheep from the wind.
  • Use Pritchard's teats over old drinks bottles. Saves money and recycles plastic.
  • Put hessian sheeting over the pens to stop lambs from getting out and other mums from bullying them. Also it protects the sheep from the weather.
  • Use very small water buckets as lambs can easily drown and always be cautious with pieces of string etc..
  • Always have all the right equipment, including a torch with a spare battery.
  • For lambing itself always remain calm and gentle.
  • Finally from 6 weeks before lambing slowly increase feed starting at 1/4 of a pound a day and slowly building up to a maximum of 1 1/2 pounds.